Fitness Fashionista–What You Wear Might Just Be the Ticket to a Happier Workout!

I bought some snazzy new gloves for my cool weather fitness walks when I was visiting family on the east coast last week. I was actually shopping for yoga pants at my favorite overpriced yoga store, but at $125 dollars a pair, I went for the $29 gloves instead. I also bought them because they had these cool little reflector things on the tips of a couple of the fingers. I thought maybe they would come in handy in case I needed to flag down a ride if I got too far away from home.

Turns out these little finger pads actually make my gloves smart-phone compatible, so I guess I won’t have to take them off to call home if I need a lift!

I love new fitness gear. I think I have from a very young age. I can remember when I was a kid, getting out of the car after buying a new pair of sneakers, and immediately racing up the street to see if I could run any faster. I must admit that I still get that feeling when I have something new to wear for my workouts.

Interestingly, the positive energy and pep in my step that I get from adding to my workout wardrobe is not my imagination. According to an article in this month’s Prevention magazine, psychologist Karen Pine, PhD, found a strong link between what we wear and our mood. She reports, “The women in our study said they felt good in figure-enhancing clothes and bright colors.” She goes on to suggest that we should cultivate a “happy” wardrobe. It makes me wonder if her advice could also apply to the clothes we wear to the gym.

With cooler temperatures in the forecast, a little wardrobe pick me up might just be the bit of inspiration you need to get moving or energize your workout routine. And while it’s important that your workout wear is functional–your shoes should fit well and be comfortable, and it helps if your pants move and breathe so that you can move and breathe–having fun with what’s trending, can make for little extra confidence when you hit the trail or gym.

Here’s what I have hanging in my closet these days along with a few ideas on how to increase the “happiness” quotient in your workout wardrobe:

  • My go-to yoga pants. You know that little black dress most women have in their closet ready and waiting for girls night out? Well, mine are black yoga pants in a variety of styles and lengths. The best thing about these? I can grab a 15 minute workout anytime of the day without even changing my clothes! Great for the busy multi-tasking mom.
  • Fleece zip top. Fleece tops are my favorite. Soft and warm, but also roomy and breathable. Collect a couple of different weights if temperatures fluctuate in your neck of the woods. This would also be a great place to add that vibrant pop of color that’s so in fashion these days.
  • Running sleeves. Well, I don’t actually own these yet, but they’re definitely on my wish list. Just sleeves that you slide up your arm for a bit of added warmth and frivolousness. Here they are in pink for Breast Health Awareness Month! How fun is that!

Cute pink running sleeves

Experts say the best kind of motivation comes from deep down in the gut, and propels us to move because we want to feel vibrant and healthy. Because we want to do more than just thrive–we want to feel fully alive. But for some of us (me included), we’re not always quite there in that deep place of knowing. Sometimes we need something shallow and slightly self-indulgent to flip the switch. It just might be that your ticket to a positive exercise habit is simply a seasonal shopping accident at Sports Authority!

Write about it . . .

What’s in your workout closet this season? Do you think there is anything to the clothes/mood connection? How do you feel when you are wearing something you feel good about yourself in? Is finding workout clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident a barrier to working out for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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